March 20th was the official “First day of Spring” so now’s the perfect time for a Spring clean. 2017 was memorable for many reasons; Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s engagement, Beyoncé announcing her pregnancy and Bitcoin becoming a topic of conversation. Are some things best left in the past though? We’ve taken a look at some of the top fashion trends from 2017 and have made a call on whether it’s time to purge these items from our wardrobes.
1. Torn Up Jeans
Don’t get us wrong, we love distressed jeans, they add style and personality to an outfit. Last year though, we saw this trend descend into ‘barely there’ jeans. Some pairs appeared to show more skin than jean. We vote for distressed jeans to stay and would suggest that it’s time to recycle those torn up jeans. Why not treat yourself to a new pair?
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2. Unicorns, Unicorns, Unicorns
Unicorns seemed to be EVERYWHERE last year, not literally of course. These mythological creatures are beautiful and magical but do we really need to be wearing unicorn clothing? We feel that it’s time for this trend to rest now. We’d love for the unicorn cupcakes and ice-creams to live on though, please.
Image Source: Google
3. Casual Jogging Pant and Heel Combo
Made famous by Kim Kardashian, we’re just not completely sold on the idea. There’s a time and a place for both casual clothing and heels and usually for that reason, we don’t combine the two. We think Kim looks great in whatever she wears, we just don’t understand the logic behind this outfit. Comfy joggers paired with some very uncomfortable looking heels, this is a trend we won’t be following.
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4. Choker Necklaces
These necklaces came back into fashion in 2017 in a BIG way, they were everywhere. We loved them at the time, they are edgy and stylish. We are now seeing a rise of choker-style clothing replacing the statement jewellery. We sell a range of on-trend choker dresses and tops, one of our favourites our V-neck choker top, available in three different colours.
5. EXTREMELY Oversized
Oversized clothing is perfect for a casual look however last year we saw the introduction of extremely oversized clothing. This trend came from the catwalk to the highstreet. As we come into the summer, we can see this trend becoming less popular. All that extra material will be very warm of course. We still love our classic ‘oversized’ pieces though, our oversized orange shirt is the perfect choice for Spring/Summer.
Image Source: Orange Long Line Oversized Shirt